The Free Library (BIBLIVRE) program is software for cataloguing and disseminating information on the holdings of public and private libraries of various sizes.
Moreover, BIBLIVRE is also a program that disseminates content. Here the user can publish his or her own texts, besides music, images, films or any type of digital object that he or she wishes to share online.
Since it adopts standards that are used internationally in adjusting libraries to information technology, the program enables users to access any library in Brazil or overseas, since it connects them and allows networking.
Developed through a partnership between SABIN (the Society of Friends of the National Library), MINC and Itaú Cultural, the development of versions 1.0 and 2.0. The system is licensed freely as GPLv3 (General Public License of the Free Software Foundation), which permits it to be broadly distributed while at the same time guaranteeing its users the freedom to copy, use and disseminate the system.
BIBLIVRE was set under auspices to Law 8.313/91 and the sponsorship initially of IBM-Brasil and subsequently of Itaú Cultural.
Today, success is BIBLIVRE throughout Brazil, as well as abroad, and their extreme cultural relevance, has been hailed as the application of choice for digital inclusion of the citizen.